Professional Learning

Professional Learning Grants

Members can use this grant to pursue personalized learning

AEA Professional Learning Grant Application

AEA Special Education Caucus Goals

ESS Access Caucus Link:

The AEA Special Education Caucus continues to meet regularly to plan professional development for district staff.

  • A collection of professional resources has been made available for member check-out through the district professional library.
  • Provide a forum where educators can access relevant and factual data to meet the needs of students with special education needs. These forums will provide the most recent research and best practices for the 1,400 plus AEA members.
  • Provide a round table discussion where educators can brainstorm innovative ideas for student instruction.
  • Collaborate with AEA members and district administrative staff.

Topics presented in the past were: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Phonics, and Pediatric Dyslexia.

We would be happy to hear from you with feedback regarding our plans and willingly accept suggestions from you to add to our resource compilation. Ideas for future topics and speakers are welcome. We also encourage your participation in the caucus group as we plan for upcoming activities.

Please send your suggestions to AEA at [email protected]

Technology Integration Caucus Seminars

Technology is no longer the future of education. It has become an important part of today’s education. Students need to have a well-rounded twenty-first century education which means providing them with access to twenty-first century tools and techniques. Technology Fairs help showcase what our students can do with today’s technology tools. Technology Fairs are also a way for schools across APS to share their visions and achievements with each other and the community.
The Technology Fair is very similar to a science fair. Students complete special projects which have a strong emphasis on technology and then gather to share what they have learned and how they created their projects.

21st Century teaching and learning focuses on preparing students for college and careers. The focus of the Technology Integration Caucus is to provide teachers with the skills and tools they need to successfully teach today’s students the creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication skills they will need to success.

Contact AEA at [email protected]


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