AEA Committees

Association committees

Association committees are established, evaluated and terminated by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors determines the representation, size, and designates duties of the committees as necessary. One member of the Board of Directors is specifically designated as direct liaison between any committee established and the Board.

The president is responsible for appointing chairpersons of committees with the approval of the Board.

Committees submit minutes or a record of committee meetings to the president which will be kept on file in the association office.

Committees of the Board, joint AEA/APS committees and Caucuses are identified below.

AEA committe pic

AEA/APS Instructional Advisory Group
This is a new committee as the result of the ’06 negotiations. The intent of this joint AEA/APS council will be to provide an opportunity for classroom teacher’s perspective to be considered with regard to instructional issues before the point of implementation. Meets once quarterly.

Aurora-Littleton UniServ Unit Council
This council is required as part of the UniServ Unit structure. Membership includes executive officers from the Aurora and Littleton Education Associations, and one additional member from each local. The Council’s responsibility is to create the Unit budget, oversee Unit expenditures, negotiate staff contracts and address issues that relate to the functioning of the Unit. Meets 4-5 times a year as required by the ALUU documents.

As required by the AEA Documents, the negotiations team has the responsibility of surveying our members, identifying issues, developing bargaining interests and negotiating the working conditions, compensation and benefits for all teachers employed in the Aurora Public Schools. By contract the negotiations team is limited to seven members. Interested members are encouraged to become involved in negotiations and take advantage of training opportunities at the leadership trainings offered through AEA and CEA. Meets from January through May.

This committee reviews the current year’s budget and proposes a draft budget for the consideration of the AEA Board and AR Council. Meets 1-2 times a year in the fall of each year.

Central Grievance
Members of this committee review grievances that have not been resolved at level 2 and which may be considered to go to arbitration. The committee has the authority to direct the Association leadership to take those grievances they believe are warranted to this level. Meets 4-5 times a year as needed.

Documents Committee
This committee will review AEA Documents (constitution/bylaws/standing rules) and make recommendations to the Board of Directors and AR Council for their consideration and vote. Meets as needed to review Association Documents.

ELA Caucus
The ELA caucus is a special interest group of ELA teachers who advocate on behalf of English language learners and staff who work with these students. The ELA caucus also offers ongoing professional development through a grant awarded through the NCUEA. Meets on a regular basis during the year.

Elections Committee
This committee has the responsibility of encouraging members to stand for election, overseeing Association elections, counting ballots and presenting the results of a ratification vote to Association leadership and members. Meets as required to count ballots from election activities, or review election guidelines.

Two Association members serve on this committee with district administration and review and make recommendations on leave bank requests from licensed employees. Meets monthly.

Insurance Committee
This is a joint committee of AEA/APS members who review insurance proposals presented by the insurance broker employed by the district. The committee makes recommendations to the APS Board of Education regarding the insurance plans.
Meets 1-2 times a year, generally in January or February.

Legislative Liaisons
Legislative liaisons are Association members who volunteer to work with our elected legislators before and during the session to be the “teachers’ voice”. These members serve as advocates for Association positions on upcoming legislation, meet with legislators and represent the interests of teachers. Meet as needed with legislators.

Membership Committee
Members of this committee are charged with creating the membership plan for the Association, monitoring membership growth and decline. Meets on a regular basis throughout the year.

The Metro Regional Bargaining Council functions to help bargaining locals coordinate around bargaining interests and issues and to build advocacy for their members. AEA belongs to this group as a bargaining local. Meets monthly.

Organizing Cadre
Members of the Organizing Cadre work to help AEA members work together for a common goal. One way of doing that is to encourage sites to develop Building Action Teams as a way to communicate Association information, issues and goals. The Cadre also supports the AEA Bargaining team by organizing our members to engage in activities that support the team throughout the bargaining season. Meets as needed particularly during bargaining to support the team.

Read Across America Committee
This committee develops the Association plan for our participation in Read Across America, and reviews and recommends the applications for the AEA Read Across America grants. Meets 2-3 times generally in the fall of the year.

Pilot Schools Joint Steering Committee
This joint AEA/APS committee is charged with reviewing and recommending approval to the Board of Education of all initial RFP’s to establish Pilot Schools, and all proposals to later modify initial RFP’s. Additionally this committee serves to support and monitor Pilot Schools and is empowered to make necessary decisions. Meets on a regular basis throughout the year.

Political Action Committee
The committee members develop the Association plan for participation in general and school board elections. Meets on a regular basis prior to elections.

SPED Caucus
The SPED caucus was formed by a group of Association leaders who are special educators who advocate on behalf of special education students and staff. The SPED caucus offers professional development through a grant funded by the NCUEA.

Teaching and Learning Committee
AEA is interested in providing professional development opportunities to our members across a broad range of interests as well as developing our own positions on teaching and learning issues. This committee will explore opportunities, plan and deliver at least one professional development opportunity for AEA members during the 08-09 school year. Meets on a regular basis throughout the year.

Committee Members

AEA-Committee-Members 2012-2013
